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/ Magic Publisher / Magic Publisher (1996)(Schatztruhe)(Disc 3 of 4).iso / Bitmap / Workbench / S / Script / 35 / Script-35.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1996-01-26  |  35KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: o6coa fobijRlmnopar stuuuxyz ABCDEEGNOSK LMNOPQRSTUU WXyZ 012 34567 89 10# S%^&* The quick broun fox jumps the tax,y d00. 18 The quick unoun fox iumps ouer the lazy d09. 24 quick broun fox iumps ouar the lazy d09. 36 The quick broun fox umps oUer D9? 009. 48 Tha quick umodg foxi umps ouer D9? The quick 6roun foxj umps 12 D92 quick 6roun fox jr rmp LMNOPQR STUUWXYZ auck auick umodn umns ouZr izmps iumn